Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Super Bowl LI New England Patriots vs Atlanta Falcons

As I watch the highlights from Super Bowl LI, I saw some great insights and examples that can be applied towards our lives. You may ask what does Super Bowl LI have in common with my life what could Super Bowl LI teach me other than it was a terrific game for the ages? Ahhh that is a good question let's find out! I have to say it was a game for the ages it is the best Super Bowl I have watched. Regardless of who you wanted to win (I was rooting for the Atlanta Falcons) you have to agree with me it was one of the best Super Bowls ever played.  The way that I will be writing this blog is by highlighting each team the Atlanta Falcons, and the New England Patriots, as well as some of the key,  plays in the game to see what we can learn. This Super Bowl demonstrates that it is not over until the clock hits zero.

Atlanta Falcons: The Atlanta Falcons started off great they held the Patriots on their first drive to a three and out performance making them punt the ball. The first play is a run to Freeman for a gain of  37 yards. Though it did not lead to any points that run and making the Patriots punt the ball sparked motivation and momentum for the Falcons that they could win this game. Later on, in the first quarter, the Falcons defense sacked Tom Brady twice. Making sure that game stayed at 0-0, but it also built their confidence. By having the first quarter end at 0-0 I believe that was a benefit towards Atlanta because it kept the momentum at neutral, but it also gave an easier opportunity for the Falcons to take control of the game when an opportunity arose. The same in our lives those small victories build upon one another giving us motivation, momentum, and confidence that we can accomplish the dream we are working to achieve or the situation we are trying to overcome. If that would be breaking an addiction, unhealthy habits, having an impact in the world or making good habits those small steps encourage us onward. If we could draw or tie at the end of the quarter in our lives that can be a win for us because a draw or tie can lead us to easier probability to take control of the game (accomplishing the dream or overcoming the situation we are facing in our lives).  The Falcons defense caused LeGarrette Blount to fumble the ball in the second quarter with that turnover it stopped the movement of the Patriots drive. Because of the turnover, the Falcons offense capitalized on the mistake the Patriots made with a touchdown. The same in life when we make a turnover happen to get the ball we can capitalize on that opportunity. The Patriots get the ball back, but the Falcons defense again holds them getting their offense the ball and because they did the Falcons score another touchdown to go up 14-0. The Falcons defense shows us how important it is to stand your ground when we go through life battles. Because if we have a strong defense to hold the opponent which is (Satan, disabilities, life struggles, illnesses, and other unfortunate life events) from advancing it gives us a chance to score just like the Falcons did. The next drive by the Patriots continues to be kept alive because of the penalties the Falcons commit. This teaches us that we need to be dedicated to making sure we do our best not to make easy mistakes that can keep us back or keep the opponent alive. The good thing that occurred for the Atlanta Falcons is that Tom Brady made a wrong decision on this drive by throwing an interception which leads to a touchdown. When we struggle, are under pressure, or bad things come into our lives, we must have a strong defense to cause turnovers to swing the pendulum back into our hands; once the ball is in our hands than when we can take the lead or gain ground against the opposition. The second half starts and both teams do not produce any points in their first drives of the second half. At times life is the same way no progress is made just continuing to put our best out there waiting for a breakthrough. The next drive the Falcons have produces a touchdown making them go up 28-3. After this touchdown, I believe a mindset shift occurred inside of the Falcons players that they thought that they had the Patriots defeated. I believe that mindset is always wrong to have never count out the enemy (Satan, disabilities, life struggles, illnesses, and other unfortunate life events) until we know that the time reads 0:00 on the game clock for that specific situation in our lives. On the next drive, the Patriots score a touchdown to make it 28-9, and the shift begins for the Atlanta Falcons as well as the New England Patriots. It only takes one play to turn the odds in our favor. The Falcons next drive results in a punt leading to the Patriots new fire to continue to burn and add wood to the fire making it stronger and lasting longer. The Patriots score a field goal making it 28-12. The Atlanta Falcons mindset and demeanor changed after they went up 28-3. The same happens in life when we have a big lead, and all things are going well we get in a mindset and demeanor that we have won! But the game is not over, and we need to remember that because if we start to slack, it gives the enemy (Satan, disabilities, life struggles, illnesses, and other unfortunate life events) a chance to get back in the game. It all went bad for the Falcons when the Patriots sacked Matt Ryan and caused him to fumble. After the Patriots had scored their last touchdown, it seemed to me the Falcons did not want it as much as the Patriots did. When that happens in life, it can become scary because we can lose the spark that started us on this great journey of accomplishing a dream or overcoming that habit, lifestyle, disability, struggle, illness, or unfortunate event in our lives. Have that drive to finish what you are pursuing don't let that individual circumstance make you settle for less or settle before you accomplish that dream or overcome that opposition.

New England Patriots: The Patriots started off terribly going three and out, allowing the Falcons to gain so much momentum, having Tom Brady sacked so often in the early parts of the game, the interception by Tom Brady, and going down 21-3 at halftime. All these events were going against them making it very hard to win, but it also made a great comeback! As fans and people of the world we crave for a story like these all the odds are against someone, but still somehow someway they overcome and win. That is what the New England Patriots did. Only a few teams and individuals have this skill of not letting a losing situation to defeat them at the end. It takes skill, heart, faith, and determination to believe that we can overcome. The Patriots are losing 28-9 they hold the Atlanta Falcons and get the ball back. With that next drive, they move down the field to score a field goal to make 28-12. They made it a little closer and scored the points they need from the work they did. When we are down, and things are not looking up for us, we must take the points where we can get them. We must build upon the success that we make each day and continue to do that to put ourselves in a position to win. Take little steps, and there will come a time when that small step becomes a big step or gives you an opportunity to make it a big step. The Patriots defense gets a turnover by making Matt Ryan fumble the ball which allows the Patriots to continue to build upon their small steps. When an opportunity comes, we got to take it and make it worth the take. The Patriots score a touchdown and decide to go for two points, and they get the two point conversation. When pursuing a dream or overcoming the enemy (Satan, disabilities, life struggles, illnesses, and other unfortunate life events), there comes a time when we will need to take a risk and go for two to bring us one step closer to accomplishing that dream or overcoming our opponent. The New England defense steps up again and holds Atlanta from scoring. When we have the momentum on our side, we got to keep it! When the opportunities come our way, we must make sure we take advantage of them because they may not always be there for us the next time. The Jullian Eldeman catch changed everything! What an amazing skilled catch! A miraculous catch by him and it defiantly was a game changer! When pursuing a dream or overcoming the enemy, there will be times that are just miraculous that only God could bring our way for us so that we could achieve our dream and overcome! Look for the miraculous in our lives expect it, and it will come! Believe in Miracles! The miracle catch by Eldeman sets up the touchdown that brings the tied game. Our miracle sets us up to do the impossible. It will help us walk, run, breathe, sleep, eat, and live out our dream and overcome the obstacles we face every day making it a reality. The game then goes into overtime, and the Patriots get the ball first and use that drive to finish the comeback and win the Superbowl! James White who scored the winning touchdown had the determination to score on that play though many opposed him from reaching the end zone he still overcame and scored! The same in life when opposition holds us back continue to move forward have the heart, determination, hope, faith, and love to do it and we will be victorious!

Super Bowl LI is a great example of how life can be played out. I encourage us to never give up just like the New England Patriots never gave up until the game was over. We can't be giving up on our dreams or working to overcome the enemy. Don't give up on life, or a  family/friend's life because our dreams, our lives, our family/friend's life are important and have value! Choose to be a History Maker!  The decisions we make help us overcome and win the Super Bowl! This Super Bowl reveals to us it's not over until it is over! It is never too late to start again! It is never too late to start pursuing our dreams or to defeat the opponent we face! I encourage us all to start today. Edna 'E' Mode from the Incredibles says "Pull-yourself-together! "What will you do?" Is this a question? You will show him you remember that he is Mr. Incredible, and you will remind him who *you* are. Well, you know where he is. Go, confront the problem. Fight! Win!" The Good Book says "Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” With these two elements by choosing to be all in and having faith that God will do the impossible through us, we will not only accomplish much, but we will be fruitful and victorious in all that we put our hands too. But it requires a determination to never give up on ourselves, to believe in ourselves, and to believe and have faith that God will do the impossible through us.

Here are some quotes about the game:

 "The game can be symbolic of life. It makes me think of my life and days when I feel like giving up. Even when the score looks like I can never bounce back, that is when Jesus throws me the ball for the game-winning touchdown. What a faithful God, who doesn't count our transgressions against us.  All we have to do is come back like the prodigal son and ask for forgiveness.  What an amazing God we serve."~  David Akhimien

 "I hated to see Belichick win again. But I can't deny the greatness and the greatness of Tom Brady. The greatest quarterback of all time. With that said oh my gosh Atlanta choked!" ~ Chris Brown

What a game! Tom Brady is the best! What composure, patience, and determination the Patriots had to come back. The Falcons relaxed and let them come back. The Falcons should have won that game they had it they just need that Field Goal at the end of the 4th, and that would have done it. It's never over until it is over. 31 unanswered points wow!!!!!That is how a Championship team wins coming back 25 down to scoring 31 unanswered points to win the Super Bowl. The best super bowl I have seen. ~ Robbie DiMieri