Hello, my readers think about that phrase "Jesus said No." No is not a word that we usually associate with Jesus. Jesus would never say no, after all, He wants the best for us, has a future, and hope for us so for Him to say no we do not expect that. We expect a yes especially when it comes to being with Him or doing something good, helpful, or loving to Him or towards someone else we expect that Jesus would just say yes. Today we will take a look at a life experience that Jesus had. He told this man no to what the man wanted to do for Jesus. We will discover that even though Jesus said no to him in the activity he wanted to do. Jesus gave him another activity to do and Jesus said yes.
Let's pick up where our story begins in Mark 5. Jesus and his disciples arrive in the region of Gerasenes where they meet this man who is possessed by demons. We see that the man runs to Jesus and meets him and then the demons speak through the man asking Jesus not to torture him. Jesus speaks to the demons and asks them what is their name they tell him it is Legion because there are many inside this man. The demons beg Jesus to be allowed to go and enter into a herd of pigs Jesus gave the demons permission. After the demons left the man he was set free. He was sitting there fully clothed and perfectly sane. 18 As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. 19 But Jesus said, “No. I know Jesus has more to say here but I want to point out here that Jesus said No to the man's request to go with him.
As I read this I become aware that Jesus will say No to you it does not mean that Jesus did not care for the man or did not want the man to be with Him it was that Jesus' no was important so the man could grab hold of the better yes that Jesus had for him. What was that better yes? Mark 5:19-20 tell us "19 But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.” 20 So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns of that region and began to proclaim the great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed at what he told them. The better yes that Jesus had for this man was for him to be one of the first people sent by Jesus to tell of the works that Jesus did in his life. Everyone was amazed by the experience he had with Jesus.
This life experience that this man and Jesus had stood out to me that even though Jesus will say no to our request at times we can have hope that He has something better in store for us. We have an assurance that His no is replaced with a better yes. If you and I choose to do as the man did which is to do as Jesus said then I believe you and I will not only proclaim the great things of God, see people amazed at what we say, but also have peace and joy in our hearts that the no was best for us to experience the better yes that Jesus had for us.
What is Jesus saying no to you about? Once you know what He is saying no to. I then dare you to ask Him what is the go He wants to replace that no with? Once you know it do as the man did and watch what happens!