Don’t miss Jesus this year! As 2017, continues on month after month all of us will get caught up in the moments of life. The challenge this year is to always look for Jesus in the moments of life, don’t miss seeing and experiencing Him in 2017. If that happens to you go search for Him, again and again, He will be found. If Jesus gets lost in the moments of life, do not frantic in searching for Him everywhere go to the places where He will be at. Today, these four places can be found by anyone, and anyone can make an effort to attend these places. The journey to find these four places begins in Luke 2:41-49 and ends in Song of Songs 6:1-3, 11-12.
Luke 2:41-42 NLT 41 "Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. 42 When Jesus was twelve years old, they attended the festival as usual."
Luke 2:41-42 - Don't make this year just another "Usual Year." For Joseph, Mary, and Jesus this year would be different. Make this a memorable year. Grab a piece of paper or pick up a notebook and write out one highlight that happens each month of 2017. Then review each one each month. By the end of the year, there will be 12 remarkable things that happen to you in 2017. Then take the time to look back to remember these things. Add the good, the bad, and the ugly to your list because all these things are part of your life shaping you to be more like Christ. Everything anyone goes through is an opportunity for them to be more like Christ.
Luke 2:43-44 43 "After the celebration was over, they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents didn’t miss him at first, 44 because they assumed he was among the other travelers. But when he didn’t show up that evening, they started looking for him among their relatives and friends."
Luke 2:43-44 - After celebrating Christ’s birth and the New Year people let life became as it was which is usual. Usual is defined as “commonplace every day” ( That usual mindset set has to go because it limits people to achieve the best each day. For Christians and those who are non-Christians don't miss Jesus at first in the New Year. He is close to the hearts of everyone. Each person still sees the Christmas decorations of baby Jesus, hears the songs, or movies about Him in their minds and what is around them. In the new year, Christians have the motivation to read their Bibles more often, to pray more often, and to serve more often than they did last year. If anyone does not start to miss Jesus, then that is a warning sign that something is up and they need to get back to Him as soon as possible. People cannot assume that Jesus is with them this year. They need to make sure they know that He is with them. How do people know if someone is with them? They will see them, feel them, and experience their presence in the room.
Luke 2:45 "When they couldn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem to search for him there."
Luke 2:45 - When you cannot find Jesus in your life go back to where you know where He is. His parents knew that Jesus has to be in Jerusalem. Jerusalem throughout the Scriptures is known as the home or dwelling place of God. They want back to where they knew He would be at. When 2017, gets busy and people get caught up in all the drama, life experiences, the joys as well as the sorrows of 2017, you have to remind yourself where you can go to find Christ. That is the House of God.
Luke 2:46-49 "46 Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions. 47 All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. 48 His parents didn’t know what to think. “Son,” his mother said to him, “why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been frantic, searching for you everywhere.” 49 “But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
Luke 2:46-49 - Joseph and Mary find him in the Temple His Father’s house. Jesus always can be found in four places because these four places are connected with the House of God.
1. Jesus can be found in The House of God. Anyone can meet Him there at any time (Luke 2:49). 2. He can found when two or more Christians come together. He will be found in their midst. When Christians hang out together at the park, playing board games or card games, video games, watching sports, eating, going to the movies, walking together, or any other activity they do Christ is with them (Matthew 18:20). 3. Jesus can be found in everyday life. The Bible says do not despise the small beginnings because God is doing something with those small beginnings. Don’t look over small times with Jesus. For example, I took my grandma to get her hair cut, while we waited our turn, I saw a father and son sitting across from us. He was playing with his son hugging, kissing, and tickling him while they waited to be seen. As I watched, I had a picture come to my mind that God does that with us. He wants to play with us to enjoy His love. That is what this son was doing, he was enjoying a time of love and affection with his dad. A small thing, but Jesus was found at the Salon those kinds of experiences is what I am talking about when it comes to small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). 4. Jesus is found where serving is taking place. (Song of Songs 6:1-3, 11-13).
Each of these four places has been put there by Jesus for people to find Him. He always initiates the process for people to find Him. He set up these locations to start the initiation for people to encounter Him.
Which leads us to the Scriptures in the Song of Songs which tells us that Jesus can be found and seen in serving in His creation. I want to leave a comment about the Song of Songs we as Christians know that all Scripture is inspired by God and use to teach, reproof, correct, and train us in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). So that includes the Song of Songs. I believe that every book in the Bible has Christ in it someway and somewhere. Why do I believe this? Because the Bible tells us in Colossians 1:16 that all things were made through Him and for Him. So if all things are made through Him and for Him, then you are going to find Him in all the Scriptures. Another reason is that of Luke 24:27, 44 and John 5:39 say that the Scriptures bear witness to Jesus. This is why I believe Jesus is in the Song of Songs. I believe there are types and shadows going on here with the characters in the Song of Songs. King Solomon represents Jesus, The Shaulmite Bride represents the Bride of Christ, and The Daughters of Jerusalem represents less mature believers who have not yet gotten the same revelation that The Shaulmite Bride has received about Jesus. Now you as my readers understand my thinking and belief about this book let's look at it and see what it says about finding Jesus.
Song of Songs 6:1-3 NLT “Where has your lover gone, O woman of rare beauty? Which way did he turn so we can help you find him? My lover has gone down to his garden, to his spice beds, to browse in the gardens and gather the lilies. I am my lover’s, and my lover is mine. He browses among the lilies.”
When Christians know where they can find Jesus, they are aware of a personal truth that they are His and He is theirs. Our Jesus browses among the lilies (representing God’s people) serving His Kingdom and Creation.
"The Bride responds to the request as to the whereabouts of the King (“How do we find the King/Jesus?) by telling the Daughters of Jerusalem that He is in His garden. What this means is that we will find Jesus when we serve. We will find Him more and more as we begin to serve His People. If we are to find Jesus in the deepest ways, we must meet Him in serving. What He is doing is what we should be doing. As we do, we will meet Him and know Him in a greater and greater way." ~ Messianic Rabbi Schneider
Song of Songs 6:11-12 NLT “Young Woman I went down to the grove of walnut trees and out to the valley to see the new spring growth, to see whether the grapevines had budded or the pomegranates were in bloom. 12 Before I realized it, my strong desires had taken me to the chariot of a noble man."
The Bride goes to the grove of walnut trees and to the valley (representing God's people) as she makes her journey through the grove and valley she goes to see where God was moving and ministering to His creation. While she is in the grove and valley, she discovers the chariot of a nobleman, because she was in the valley and grove where serving was taking place she found Jesus there.
"The Bride goes to see Jesus’ activity in His orchard/field. She goes to where He is laboring and building His people. When she got there, her heart rose in her to strengthen God’s people and build His kingdom. Jesus is known in a more intimate way by those who are connecting with Him in serving." ~ Messianic Rabbi Schneider
Journey with Jesus in 2017 always be looking for Him, and if you misplace Him remember the four places where He can be found. 1. The House of God. You can meet Him anytime there (Luke 2:49). 2. You can find Him when two or more come together. He is in their midst. You can find Jesus when you fellowship with other Christians anywhere at any time (Matthew 18:20). 3. Jesus can be found in everyday life. Do not despise the small things where you can see Jesus at in your life. Don’t despise small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). 4. You can find Jesus where serving is at (Song of Songs 6:1-3, 11-13).
Let 2017, be a year for you to see Jesus more in your life. If you do not know Christ this is a great time to meet Him. Say this prayer "Jesus, I believe you died for my sins. I ask you to forgive me. I want to know You and see you in all my lifetime. I believe you are my Lord and Savior today and forevermore in Jesus name, we pray amen! If you said that prayer for the first time or recommitted your life to Christ I celebreate with you! I encourage you to read your bible daily, get connected with a local church and other Christians, and go serve others by putting your time and effort into helping others better their lives.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely wonderful from beginning to end. Thank you for lifting my spirit just when I needed it.
Amen thank you so much for reading it! I am glad it helped you!